Euroguidance Webinar  ‘Democratic Participation in Guidance’

We are pleased to announce that Euroguidance Network within the scope of the activities of the main task group for competencies development will be hosting a webinar “Democratic participation in guidance. During this webinar, the participants will have the opportunity to get an overview of the core principles in democratic participation and familiarize themselves with the democratic approach to career guidance. The webinar will include a presentation of examples of good practices of democratic approach in working with individuals from different backgrounds.


The webinar will be held on Tuesday,November 14th at 11 a.m. (CET) via MS Teams platform. If you are interested in participating on the webinar, please register here:


Registration deadline: November 9th at 23:59 (CET)


PROGRAMME (11/14/2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CET)


11:00 – 11:15

Welcome from the Euroguidance Network

Vouli Tetradakou, Euroguidance Greece

The core principles in the democratic participation on career guidance

Dimitris Gaitanis, Euroguidance Greece


11:15 – 11:45

Empowering Individuals: The Democratic Approach to Career Guidance

Deirdre Hughes, Warwick University’s Institute for Employment Research, UK


11:45 – 12:15

User centered practices in career guidance

Stefany Tan, GTB Vlaanderen, Belgium


12:15 – 12:30


moderated by Dorianne Gravina, Euroguidance Malta


Euroguidance Webinar quotDemocratic Participation in Guidancequot
  • Event date November 14 - 14, 2023
  • Registration deadline 2023-11-09
  • Venue Online
  • Organiser Euroguidance Network
  • Event cost Free of charge